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Golf For Women in Business – Learning to Play & Unlocking Career Opportunities

Golf is often used as a networking tool in the business world, providing opportunities for informal discussions and relationship building. Many business deals and partnerships have been formed on the golf course, highlighting the sport's importance in the business world. According to a 2020 study, women who do not play golf may be missing out on significant career opportunities. Understanding the basics of golf, including the rules, techniques, and etiquette, can help you feel more confident in using golf as a networking tool. Many cities in Salt Lake County have golf clubs or societies that offer lessons for beginners, providing an easy entry point for those interested in learning the sport. Participating in golf tournaments or charity events, such as our upcoming Women in Business Golf Clinic, can provide valuable networking opportunities to get to know members of our community. Many successful businesswomen have cited golf as a key factor in their networking and career advancement.


Why are Women Underrepresented in Business Golf Networking?

One of the primary reasons women are underrepresented in business golf networking is the historical gender bias associated with golf. Traditionally, golf has been seen as a 'man's game', a perception that has been perpetuated by the media and society at large. This has led to a lack of representation and visibility of women in the sport, which can discourage women from participating. The time commitment required to play golf can be a barrier for many women. Balancing work, family, and personal responsibilities often leave little time for leisure activities such as golf. This is especially true for women in business who often work long hours and have demanding schedules.

The lack of awareness about the benefits of golf as a networking tool in business can also contribute to the underrepresentation of women. Many women may not realize the potential career opportunities they could gain from participating in golf networking events. Increasing awareness about the benefits of golf for business networking can help to encourage more women to take up the sport.

How Can I Start Learning to Play Golf?

Starting to learn golf can be an exciting journey. The first step is to familiarize yourself with the game's basic rules and terminologies. There are resources available online, including the official rules from the United States Golf Association (USGA), that can provide a comprehensive understanding of the game.

Instead of purchasing clubs right away, you might want to try renting some and heading to a driving range. Initially, focus on a driver, a putter, a sand wedge, and a 6-iron, which are more beginner-friendly.

Once you have your equipment, it's time to learn the basic techniques. This includes understanding the correct grip, stance, and swing. Stonebridge Golf Club and The Ridge Golf Club, both members of our Chamber, offer lessons with professionals who can help you refine your skills.

Practice is key in golf. Spend time at a driving range to practice your swing. This is a less pressurized environment where you can focus on improving your technique. You may also consider practicing your putting skills on a putting green.

Finally, learn the etiquette of golf. This includes understanding the pace of play, maintaining the course, and respecting other players. Golf is as much about sportsmanship and respect as it is about skill.

Once you feel comfortable with the basics, the best way to learn golf is to start playing on a golf course. Start with a 9-hole course before moving on to an 18-hole course. The more you get out and practice at the many great golf courses in our area, the more comfortable you will become. Remember, the goal is to enjoy the game and continuously improve, not to become a pro overnight.


What are the Rules of Golf?

The rules of golf are quite comprehensive and are governed by the United States Golf Association (USGA). Here is a basic overview:

  • Playing the Ball: The game is played by hitting a ball from the teeing ground into the hole by successive strokes. The player who completes the hole in the fewest strokes wins.
  • The Golf Course: A golf course consists of 18 holes. Each hole has a starting point called the tee and an ending point called the green with a flagstick indicating the hole's location.
  • Order of Play: The player with the lowest score on the previous hole plays first. On the tee, the player farthest from the hole plays first.
  • Teeing Off: Players start from the teeing ground and must tee off between the tee markers.
  • Playing the Ball: Players must play the ball as it lies, except in certain specific circumstances where relief is allowed (e.g., embedded ball, unplayable lie).
  • Order of Play on the Green: The player farthest from the hole putts first. Mark your ball if it's in the way of another player's line.
  • Penalties: Penalties are imposed for various infractions, such as hitting the ball out of bounds, in a water hazard, or taking relief improperly.
  • Water Hazards: If a ball is in a water hazard (marked with yellow stakes or lines) or a lateral water hazard (marked with red stakes or lines), players have options for relief.
  • Lost Ball: If a ball cannot be found or is out of bounds, a player must take a penalty stroke and play another ball from where the previous stroke was made.
  • Out of Bounds: A ball is out of bounds if it's beyond the boundaries of the course, marked by white stakes, fences, or lines.
  • Etiquette: Golf has a strong tradition of etiquette, including:
    • Pace of Play: Players should keep up with the group ahead and not delay play.
    • Care of the Course: Repair ball marks, replace divots, and rake bunkers.
    • Safety: Shout "fore" if your ball might hit someone and be aware of other players on the course.
    • Equipment: Golf clubs and balls must conform to standards set by the governing bodies. Players can carry a maximum of 14 clubs in their bag.
  • Scoring: The basic unit of scoring is the stroke. The score for each hole is the number of strokes taken, including penalties.

This is just a basic overview, and there are many more specific rules and situations covered in the official Rules of Golf. It's always a good idea for golfers to familiarize themselves with the complete set of rules to play the game fairly and enjoyably.


The Unspoken Rules: Understanding Golf Etiquette

Golf etiquette is a set of rules and practices designed to make the game of golf safer and more enjoyable for golfers and to minimize possible damage to golf equipment and courses. While not hard and fast laws, golf etiquette is a crucial aspect of the game that beginners should understand before hitting the course.

First and foremost, golfers should always respect the course. This includes repairing divots, raking bunkers after use, and not driving carts or walking over greens unnecessarily. It's also important to avoid causing unnecessary damage to the course, such as by taking practice swings that tear up the grass or hitting the tee markers.

Another key aspect of golf etiquette is maintaining a good pace of play. This means being ready to hit your ball when it's your turn and not spending too much time looking for lost balls. If your group is playing slowly and holding up players behind you, it's good etiquette to let them play through.

Respect for other players is also a fundamental part of golf etiquette. This includes not talking or making noise while others are preparing to hit, standing out of the line of sight of the player hitting, and not stepping on another player's line of putt on the green.

Lastly, golfers should always show good sportsmanship. This means playing by the rules, being honest in scoring, and being gracious in both victory and defeat. Remember, golf is a game and it's meant to be enjoyed by all who play it.

Helpful Golf Terminology to Know

  • Birdie: A score of one stroke under par for a hole.
  • Bogey: A score of one stroke over par for a hole.
  • Par: The standard score for a hole, determined by its length and difficulty. It represents the number of strokes an expert golfer should take to complete the hole.
  • Eagle: A score of two strokes under par for a hole.
  • Albatross (or Double Eagle): A score of three strokes under par for a hole.
  • Handicap: A numerical measure of a golfer's playing ability, used to level the playing field in competition.
  • Tee Box (or Teeing Ground): The area where players begin each hole.
  • Fairway: The mowed area between the tee box and the green.
  • Rough: The longer grass bordering the fairway, which can make shots more difficult.
  • Green: The finely mowed area where the hole is located.
  • Pin (or Flagstick): The flagstick placed in the hole on the green to indicate its location.
  • Hazard: An obstacle on the course that adds challenge, such as a water hazard or bunker.
  • Bunker (or Sand Trap): A depression filled with sand, usually located near the green.
  • Lie: The position of the ball on the ground.
  • Clubhead: The part of the golf club used to strike the ball.
  • Driver: A golf club used for tee shots on longer holes, designed for distance.
  • Iron: A type of golf club used for various distances and shot types, typically numbered from 1 to 9 (e.g., 5-iron, 7-iron).
  • Putter: A golf club used on the green for rolling the ball into the hole.
  • Stroke Play: A format of golf where the total number of strokes taken over one or more rounds determines the winner.
  • Match Play: A format of golf where the winner of each hole is determined by the player or team with the lowest score on that hole.
  • Caddy: A person who carries a golfer's clubs and provides advice and assistance during play.
  • Fore: A warning shouted to alert others on the course that a ball may be headed their way.
  • Mulligan: A do-over shot, usually informal and not allowed in official play.
  • Gimme: A short putt that players agree can be picked up without being holed out.
  • Fade: A shot that curves gently from left to right (for a right-handed player).
  • Draw: A shot that curves gently from right to left (for a right-handed player).
  • Hook: A shot that curves sharply from right to left (for a right-handed player).
  • Slice: A shot that curves sharply from left to right (for a right-handed player).
  • Stance: The position of a golfer's feet and body in relation to the ball.
  • Swing: The motion used to hit the ball with a golf club.

Golf presents a myriad of opportunities for women in the business sphere. Beyond its networking potential, the game cultivates skills highly prized in the corporate world. It demands patience, hones critical thinking, and rewards hard work-- all of which resonate in a professional environment. The social nature of golf boosts confidence, fostering conversations and camaraderie among peers. Golf tends to mirror the corporate landscape, with its unspoken rules and etiquette akin to professional decorum. Women navigating the fairways find themselves better equipped to navigate boardrooms and C-Suite discussions. Learning golf can be an empowering move for many women in business, breaking barriers and enriching their professional journey.

Join us for the ChamberWest Women in Business Golf Clinic on May 15th to learn from golf pros and unlock business opportunities!